Friday, 23 June 2017

Nilos rings: sealing solutions for bearing


Nilos rings provide sealing and protection against dirt and foreign particles to the bearings in all applications and operating conditions. Nilos rings can be implemented on all kinds of bearings according to their particular design.

Need of Nilos Rings:
Bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion, and reduces friction between moving parts mostly shafts. Bearings serve the versatile range of applications in almost all the sectors of manufacturing and automation. Hence there is a huge chance that it will come in contact with dirt and dust which will start the incursion in to bearing, affecting the life and efficiency of the bearing.

Fig. Nilos rings assembled with the bearing. (AV, JV)

Few applications may have a chance of getting in contact with liquids and abrasive elements and hence to secure the bearing from all this, good quality sealing is required. Nilos Ring provides the perfect solution for all types of sealing. The design and specification of the nilos rings depends upon the dimensions of the bearing and its type.
Few common categories of Nilos rings are as follows.

AV and JV: (Ball Bearings)
To seal the Ball type roller bearing the AV and JV nilos rings are used to secure the outer and inner side of the bearing respectively.
The outer ring of the ball bearing is protected with the AV nilos ring when fitted with the exact specification and dimensions of the bearing. For AV the clearance is given from the outer side. General parameters in the selection of the nilos ring are the outer and inner diameter of the bearing along with the height and speed at which the bearing is designed to rotate.


Fig. AV and JV type nilos rings

ZAV and ZJV: when the nilos rigs are provided to the bearing where the seal or shield is already given by the manufacturer and still there is a chance of the seal to fail in extreme conditions the ZAV and ZJV type of nilos rings are used.

Fig. ZAV and ZJV type of Nilos rings.

AV, JV, AK: Tapered roller bearing
Similar kind of nilos rings are used to protect the tapered roller bearing in its outer and inner ring surface. As the shape and specification for the tapered bearing is different the new type of nilos ring is introduced known as AK ring. AK has two surfaces to get the complete better grip.

Fig. AV, JV and AK type of nilos rings

            For some special purpose application where the dirt and dust can intrude the bearings affect the life of the bearing and also increase the maintenance of the machine LSTO and LSTL type of rings are used.
LSTO is used to provide the protection from the dust as well as supports to compensate the axial load coming on the bearing. The vibration damping property of the LSTO and LSTL make it more suitable for the critical and high speed applications as well as it is easy to attach the LSTO / LSTL type of nilos rings. LSTL type of nilos ring has the inner seal to stop any liquid or lubricant to escape or enter into the bearing.

Fig. LSTO and LSTL type of nilos rings

Friday, 31 March 2017


Are you ready to become a super human?

Elon musk the greatest inventor and billionaire investor have founded a new company called Neuralink which is developing the implantable human-computer interfaces such as a neural lace to be implanted in human brains to connect us directly with the artificial intelligence.After revolutionizing the space industry with space-x, automobile industry with Tesla motors, now he has plans to change the humanity. Not just with our abilities to think but to create what we think.Elon once said that we are having so many inputs to our brain with all our senses working 24/7 and collecting the data for making our decisions more and more accurate with or without the technology.But what about the output of the brain?Just these fingers to write or type and mouth to give orders, we have developed us towards the automation with such extent that we have the world ready to move with a single click.But what if we directly connect our brains with the world, what if we give orders and do work directly with our brain. It gives a vision of the world with infinite possibilities and never-ending imagination about what humans can do.

Effects of NEURALINK on humanity in various sectors:

Medical: Think about the patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease or a physically disabled person, people who survive in accidents and lose their important body parts.Neuralink would be the god’s gift for them to do things that they might never have think of doing before.

Engineering: As a mechanical Engineer I can imagine the world where I can design things with my imagination and the ability of computers to compute through all the possible outcomes and analyzing them to find the best of all.

In short, there are infinite possibilities to think about with this technology if taken optimistically.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.
Comment with your view about this blog and stay connected for more updates from tech world.

Ritesh Chaudhari.+91-9665155868

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Using petrol in diesel engine and vice versa.

Why I can’t use petrol in diesel engine and vice versa?

This question arises in everyone’s mind once in a while but the answer is quite hard to find even today.

If you are here just for the answer then here it is.

1      1) If we add diesel in petrol engine, it won’t work at all or may run certain distance with huge smoke and less power. As the pressure inside the cylinder will not be sufficient to keep it running.
2      2) If we add petrol in diesel engine, it will run with extreme power and speed but the knocking in engine and pressure generated in the cylinder will end up in a blast of engine soon. As the engine is not designed to operate at such pressure.

Now for those who really want to explore this topic in more depth and have some crazy ideas to think about then,
Let’s start with understanding, what is the basic difference in these two engines, also the effects of all the relative parameters in shortest way possible.

Petrol Engine/Spark Ignition Engine:
Air fuel mixture (approx. 15:1) enters the engine at suction stroke and starts to get compressed upto the temperature and pressure enough to be ignited by the spark of about 20000 volts generated by the spark plug, which increases the temperature of charge around 700 degrees.
The important factor here is compression ratio of the engine, which is from 7 to 12 in case of SI engine.

Diesel Engine/ Compression ignition:
Only air is sucked in the engine at the suction stroke and compressed upto the high pressure upto 30 bars–50 bars and temperature around 600 degree Celsius. Which is sufficient for diesel to autoignite and hence no spark plug is needed.
To get such high pressure and temperature the compression ratio of the CI engine is very high around 15 to 22 in some cases.
Crazy imaginations:
1)   What if we go on increasing the compression ratio of petrol engine and use the diesel in it?
è High compression ratio will cause knocking and which will lead to high mechanical and thermal stresses on the engine cylinder and piston head.
       2) What if we blend some additives in petrol so that it can autoignite at lower temperature without the spark plug?

è Well it seems like a possible way but we should consider the factor of pre-ignition and blends may lead to change in calorific value and exhaust emission may get affected by it.

Nilos rings: sealing solutions for bearing

NILOS RINGS Nilos rings provide sealing and protection against dirt and foreign particles to the bearings in all applications and op...